Hannah Tappin, Online: Creative Direction Jan 2021
Similar to my prior experiences at the college when undertaking both Fashion & Image and Business of Beauty, the Creative Direction course also sparked immense creativity within me.
Crafted by Johannes and led by the incredibly perceptive cultural eye of Ruth, the course broadened my understanding of what it means precisely to be a creative director. The course enables you to increase your industry knowledge by drawing on inspiration from influential creative directors of the past and present, it teaches you how the role has evolved overtime and showcases the numerous facets it entails.
Despite only studying short courses online at the College; my personal growth, development and industry knowledge have all evolved monumentally in such a short span of time. The faculty at the College encourage hard work, collaboration and for you to possess a strong passion for creative industry, all of which is vital to succeed in the industry today. Equally, if you are new to the industry and have a limited background, which I had prior, they show you that your dreams, aspirations and goals are more accessible than you may believe if you put the work in.
Through the lectures, further reading and amazing industry speakers, you are provided with a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from an institution at the heart of the industry. Informed by real industry experts, their insider knowledge, trend spotting, future foresight and new innovation discoveries, which are all second to none. For me, the experience has been truly unique, helped me pave my path into fashion and has given me connections with longevity and trust.
The college gave me the confidence to launch my own creative website & outlet hannahroseinspired.com. After finishing the course, I feel excited, inspired and ready to take on whatever challenges the ever-changing industry throws my way! Every person I have met whilst at the college have been very positive influences and I hope to stay in touch with the College for years to come.
Hannah also wrote for the College a couple of blogs as well as interviewed our visiting lecturers for her website:
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