Georgia Smith, Digital Content Creation, January 2021

Image showing Georgia Smith

Having previously completed a Condè Nast course I had high expectations of the Digital Content Creation course but once again Condè Nast College didn’t fail to exceed expectations. This course has expanded my awareness of digital design and marketing as well as opened my eyes to new and exciting ideas and opportunities. An important part of studying with the college is the interaction with tutors, academics and other students creating a friendly highly motivated learning experience. Whether you are a beginner or more knowledgeable person, this course offers value to all. The college has incredible connections creating a high-quality set of weekly live lectures. The course was thought provoking and challenged my preconceived ideas whilst helping me to become more confident in my understanding of this field.

Georgia created a beautiful portfolio page on her website talking in more details about the projects she competed while studying with the College. To explore click here.